In SAUNA Barbara Lehtna looks into the paradox of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) transforming a young society, that’s still in the midst of finding its own identity in the context of culture wars in social media. The ever-increasing engagement with the digital transformation of human conduct is probed through participatory performance where the audience has the possibility to decide who they would “marry, fuck or kill”. However, each decision has physical consequences on the wellbeing of the performers on stage which helps to examine how is responsibility and agency shared in different processes of participatory democracy

SAUNA is an interactive computer game played on stage and on the screen each night with an accelerated tempo of an anonymous chat room.

Produced by Electronic God (EST) 

Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Pärnu Municipality

Premiere: November 4, 2018 in KUMU Art Museum, Estonia